The Lady of the Death
In spiritual traditions, a human being, is indeed, immortal, but in order to become an immortal, a human being, must first, die.
The Lady of the Death
Die Zeit in Gedanken Erfasst
Momma, How Could You Do that to Me?
The Salvation Through Love
The Feminine as the Initiator
The Gods who Dream
The Way of the Mask
The Metaphysics of Beauty Rituals
The Demon Lover
Remembering the Sacred Center
Al Insân Al Kabir - The Anthropology of Cosmos
The Lady of the Underworld
The Father's Daughter
The Matter and the Feminine
Dwelling in Emptiness
Lunar Lullaby
The Sacred Prostitute
Nature, Sacred & Romantic Perspective
Nostalgia for the Future
The Beauty of Grotesque & Ugly